Thursday, January 31, 2008

Vietnam Fried Rice

Tonight my props go out to Pat Ostetter Martin of Quang Ngai, Vietnam. I used her recipe from More-with-Less and I really enjoyed Fried Rice made by me for the first time! You must know Fried Rice always reminds me of the summer we went to Nepal. I ate a lot of Fried Rice to try and blot dahl out of my memory and I LOVE IT! So here's the recipe with my modifications:

Cook 1 c rice or have ready 3 c leftover rice (I used leftovers).
Heat in a large skillet:
4 T oil
1/2 lb. any cooked or raw meat cut into thin strips (I used leftover chicken)
1 onion, chopped
(I used 1/2)
3 cloves garlic, minced (or 1 large spoonful from the jar)
1 t salt
1 t pepper
1 t sugar
1 T soy sauce

Stirfry until meat is hot, 1-2 minutes. (I sauted the onions first, we're not fans of uncooked onions).
3 c cooked rice
Stirfry 5 minutes. Add:
1 c leftover or frozen veggies (I used frozen peas and I peeled a carrot into the mix.)
Stir well into rice-meat mixture.
Just before serving make a hole in the middle and add:
2 eggs, beaten
Over medium heat stir carefully until eggs are cooked. Chop in small pieces and mix thoroughly. Serve piping hot.

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